The next stop around around the shores of Lake Geneva was the town of Lausanne. We needed a lazy day at a campsite with laundry facilities and it wasn’t that far a drive away.
After the laundry duties and housework we found a mystery bird poop inside the van. We had the canopy out and and we couldn’t work out the angle the bird would have to poop for it to be so far in the van. However not long after the offending poop had been removed we figured out how it got in. A bird was hopping right into the van!

We took the bus then the tram into the city centre. We had settled on a walk around the Old Town as the Olympic Museum was closed as it was a Monday. Lausanne is the official city of the Olympics.

We saw the Cathedral, the Château Saint-Maire, the town hall, a clock which when chimes has a moving display of soldiers and dancers, and the last surviving tower. We also walked up a lot of wooden steps which nearly killed me.
Cathedral Chateau Saint-Marie Steps Justice Town Hall Tower Entertaining Clock
After enjoying the Old Town we took the tram back down the hill to the lakeside and walked back along the shores of the lake to the campsite.