Granada sits at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains, the highest mountain range in Spain. After the bustle of the narrow streets, we fancied some open space, so we found a campsite up in the hills called Las Lomas.
Not the average entrance to the toilet block Bloggin’ and chillin’ Cooking a pizza View from the campsite The other way towards the peaks
The site was gorgeous. Huge views, quiet, well kept and like camping in someone’s well loved garden. Joolz got some fantastic shots over the reservoir from about 30m from where we were parked up. Meanwhile I cooked up a from-scratch camping pizza. I’d love to come back here and spend a few days mountain biking, walking and generally chilling.
Next morning we continued up the road towards the Sierra Nevada peaks. In hindsight, we really should have checked the route before we set off. We should have headed back down and back up the main road, not taken the local road. 22% climbs, extended periods of time in 1st gear, blind hairpin bends and “don’t look down” passing spots lead to a very stressful few km and nearly 1000m of climb. Thankfully The Van took it like a champ.
Eventually the ‘road’ lead back to something a bit more suitable for vehicles with 4 wheels and we continued the grind upwards. Our destination was the main ski resort. Apparently the season is still in full swing.
Skiing! The Van at 2300m Joolz on the slopes The range
We took the easy roads back down. Then headed south west back towards the coast.